Birmingham, AL USA
Joined November11 2003
My name is Marc Gunn (duh!). I live in Austin, Texas with my two tabby cats, Tiziano and Torre (TnT). I also perform with the Brobdingnagian Bards, a Celtic folk group, and the former number one World music band on having had over 5,000,000 downloads. About a million of those downloads came from one song, "Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings)." Aside from Celtic music, I love a wide variety of musical styles, including American and Italian folk songs, but the vast majority are Irish and Scottish folk songs and my original songs.
Psycho Cat Lover
Oh! And let's not forget my cat CD. I'm getting ready to record a solo album called "Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers." It's an entire album of Irish folk songs that are rewritten about cats. You can check out one such song, "Furagone's Wake" above which is a parody of the Irish drinking song, "Finnegan's Wake." Did I mention that TnT are two very sweet and adorable little kitties?