Radio Free Thornlea
House Thornlea's Soundclick Station
  A playlist by @spiderjerusalem
28 songs
Picture for song 'camel racing' by artist 'alin rogoz 2'

camel racing

alin rogoz 2

romanian, gypsy, eastern, middle east, odd times, taraf de haiduci, indian, flamenco

i have two previous albums on soundclick already. feel free to check them out:
my newest album is:
music is a nice art...  i happen to like it. being from romania, i feel eastern music the most, but also love flamenco, middle eastern, indian (especially carnatic), reggae, soca, hiphop, south amer...

World - World General

Picture for song 'Santoor Saz' by artist 'Thomas King'

Santoor Saz

Thomas King

Game music.

Greetings. I am a composer and writer. I enjoy my music most, but my writing comes to a close second. Musically, my strong point is melody.

World - Traditional Arabic

Picture for song 'Magnificat' by artist 'Keltic Kaleidoscope'


Keltic Kaleidoscope

The band performs a variety of Celtic and American folk songs. They even perform a few baroque and classical pieces!

The band performs a variety of Celtic and American folk songs using two- and three-part harmonies along with some songs from the sixties and seventies. Solo tracks by Mary Behan Miller (the lead female vocalist) are also available here. A significant number of her tracks will be from other Genres.

Classical - Medieval

Picture for song 'Requiem - Sanctus v.01' by artist 'Gregorian Sense'

Requiem - Sanctus v.01

Gregorian Sense

Gregorian Chant. A search for the original sense of Gregorian chant. 
A chant made by men who prayed 
and deepened in the meaning of prayer 
through music.

Gregorian Sense is an attempt to deepen into the profound sense of Gregorian chants. The group is formed by residents at C.M. Bidasoa, (Pamplona, Spain). We are in course of discovering new musical forms, in a way in which we let the meaning of the lyrics prevail over the musical expression. It is a search for the original sense of Greg...

Classical - Medieval

Picture for song 'Moorish Dance' by artist 'Medieval Mandolin'

Moorish Dance

Medieval Mandolin

Medieval Mandolin Music on CD and in Book/CD Collections

Latin - Flamenco

Picture for song 'She' by artist 'Awakening Queen Maebh'


Awakening Queen Maebh

AQM is traditional Celtic instruments such as harp, fiddle and whistles wo

, (the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education).  They help parents establish integrated schools for Protestant and Catholic children in a school system that is otherwise 94% segregated along sectarian lines.
It's not a full-time band, but an ongoing project headed by singer/songwriter Elizabeth Pendleton.  Players include

World - World General

Picture for song 'Summeria' by artist 'Tweakheadz Lab'


Tweakheadz Lab

I am the Tweak.  TweakHeadz Lab is my studio.   Listen to my current songs and collaborations with my friends then head down to my site at or my

Hello And welcome! 
You have surfed to the Music Pages of TweakHeadz Lab.
Come on in! Sit back and relax, light a candle.
You'll hear a wide range of styles, colors, moods, and unusual experimental mixes.   I write what I feel like writing, invent and re-invent objects of sound in the process.  To me, music is an invention.  A play

World - World General

Picture for song 'Cairo Bazaar' by artist 'Neon Egypt'

Cairo Bazaar

Neon Egypt

World Jazz / World Fusion: Neon Egypt's unusual improvised Intuitive Music features Saxophones with the Taiko-like percussion of the Shendai Melodic Drums.

Newest album UNEARTHED released July 17, 2020. - Visit
An outgrowth of the popular San Francisco 'improv' quartet Tabula Rasa, Neon Egypt is considered to have pioneered a new jazz-based hybrid of Karlheinz Stockhausen's 'Intuitive Music'. Their debut album, Tales Of Kings, released in May of 2000, is considered a cl...

$25 World - World Fusion

Picture for song 'Marrowbones' by artist 'Samain'



Samain - three good friends who have played together for many-a-year at folk clubs, ceilidhs, for morris dancing, and at local music festivals. Their roots are

Samain - three good friends who have played together for many-a-year at folk clubs, ceilidhs, for morris dancing, and at local music festivals. Their roots are deeply set in the traditional folk music of the British Isles, especially England.  They play with an enthusiasm and love of this tradition.

Acoustic - Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Jackie Tar' by artist 'Clive Williams'

Jackie Tar

Clive Williams

Traditional acoustic music from England played on button accordion, bouzouki and piano.

These are a few of my own recordings - things I put together for my own amusement. I play melodeon (button accordion), with Vivant and GIGCB (look for them on this site for more recordings!). 
Hear you can hear me playing melodeon, and occasionally, piano and bouzouki.

World - Traditional Irish

Picture for song 'Zemer Atik' by artist 'I Jakob'

Zemer Atik

I Jakob

wandering klezmer Gypsy dance

I Jakob is a group of musicians very much like the Klezmer Gypsy groups in Eastern Europe at the turn of the Century..
The members are always changing and come from all over the world.
The core member is IJakob (Stuarto Eatle) who is sort of the wandering Minstral..

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'Spanish Maidens' by artist 'Bartholomew Klick'

Spanish Maidens

Bartholomew Klick

Military Songs, Outlaw Songs, Bar Songs and Sea Shanteys.

I play woodwinds; Recorder, Pennywhistle and Fife.  I'm saving up for a low whistle.  I am completely self taught and I ussually play by ear, though I can read sheet music if I feel like it.
I'm actually looking for a band to join, so if any of you hear something you like, feel free to contact me.

World - World General

Picture for song 'Casa de la Prodanesti' by artist 'alin rogoz 1'

Casa de la Prodanesti

alin rogoz 1

romanian, exotic, gypsy, eastern, latin, new, odd times, flamenco, reggae, instrumental

no need for introduction... i have an existing page,  ,
i recorded those songs, but, being very disappointed at the final result, i recorded another album from oct-dec 05. hardly mixed, all these tracks will have the percussion redone by one who knows what he's doing, and the vocals redone by...

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'THE NIGHTSHIFT' by artist 'J C Carroll'


J C Carroll

Multi Genre Musician and Composer

you can Buy my music from the Excellent Soundclick Store 
or from the iTunes Music Store

I would like to thank NICK CASH and the Other Members of JC and the Disciples.. Nigel Bennet, Phill Legg and Chris Payne
also thanks to Neil Anderson, Mike Guirey, Chester Kamen, Nigel Bennett, Guy Pratt, Eliet Mackrell, Sophy Patterson, Nick Cash and Mick Linehan Rudy Carroll, Paddy Carroll, for Recording in my Baement .
Also Wim Wever...

Acoustic - Acoustic Rock

Picture for song 'Don't Fall Asleep (A Cappella)' by artist 'Andrea Gerak'

Don't Fall Asleep (A Cappella)

Andrea Gerak

The enigmatic Hungarian female voice

Enya, Sally Oldfield, Lisa Gerrard, Marta Sebestyen, Katalin Szvorak, Iren Lovasz, Bea Palya -- Andrea Gerak deserves a place in this list.

World - World General

Picture for song 'La Laine des Moutons (duet with Marilyn Maltzer)' by artist 'Anne Price'

La Laine des Moutons (duet with Marilyn Maltzer)

Anne Price

Traditional and Contemporary Folksinger

Anne Price is a versatile and gifted singer born and raised in New York City. She sings a wide variety of traditional folk songs and many songs from contemporary songwriters, as well as songs she has written. Her wide repertoire includes Appalachian ballads, Irish and Scottish songs, cowboy songs, country songs, songs of the sea, songs about work and the labor movement, feminist songs, and love songs. Interpreted with her strong, rich, expressive voice,...

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'Gaudete' by artist 'Longo Bards'


Longo Bards

Classical, Celtic, Popular, Folk, Sacred, Medieval, Electronica

Longo Bards: the future from the past

Classical - Medieval

Picture for song 'CARAVAN' by artist 'Kundalini Brothers'


Kundalini Brothers


The Fabulous Kundalini Brothers have been making music for 15-years (or more) Their aim has always been to present something different within the Celtic Music arena. Influences are from Eastern Europe, Ireland and Australia.
'K' BART - LOWDEN,TAYLOR T-5,TAKAMINE EN-10C With COOL TUBE & FENDER Acoustasonic with Roland Midi GK-3 Guitars + 8 String BOUZAR, Paul Shippey 10-string Bouzouki + Vocals + KARMA Keyboards + KORE + OMNISPHERE +...

World - Traditional European

Picture for song 'Romanian Instrumental' by artist 'Alin Rogoz'

Romanian Instrumental

Alin Rogoz

I am influenced by music around the world, starting with Romanian gypsy music, middle eastern, Indian music, gypsy jazz/swing, flamenco, African, reggae, soca,

these songs are from the spring-summer of 2005. my newest songs, are here:
anyways, I prefer to be mediocre in all styles, than outstanding in one only... Im young, hopefully, in a few years, Ill bring my overall level hig...

World - World General

Picture for song 'The Hare´s Lament' by artist 'Andreas Weiland'

The Hare´s Lament

Andreas Weiland

Traditional Irish and Scottish music, and folk music. Celtic non-pub music, strictly acoustic. Both ballad and up beat numbers.

Im Andreas Weiland from Sweden. I play Irish and Scottish traditional music, so I thought Id put up some mp3:s here. 
You are welcome to mail me at:
Also Id like to thank those who already have!

World - Traditional Irish

21 Savage type beat - Undercover
$30 Hip Hop