Phoenix, AZ  USA Joined July7 2005
I grew up in Kenya, East Africa, spent the rest of my life so far in the U.S. in Colorado,Arizona, California, and now back in Arizona. I love life, playing music, my friends all over the world, traveling. I create music as often as I can.
My Music
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Jan 31, 2015
Hey thanks for the comment! And yeah I do tend to change styles a bit... I used to have the overambitious and ridiculous goal of doing one song in every genre on the planet.
Jan 26, 2015
Thanks for the friend add Jon - I really like your music!
Hiroshi Takatani
Mar 12, 2010
Hello,Jon. Nice to see you and Thanks for the friend add. I like your cool rock sound very much! Greetings, Hiroshi/Ethnosphere Music Project
Jan 30, 2010
Hey Jon! Trying to get in touch with you. Can you pm me? I'd like to submit Driving Fast to a mastering contest that's brewing in the Senior's forum--but I need your permission and a link to a WAV file of an unmastered version of the song. So, let me know asap! Thanks--I only thought of this because I just love this song! Cheers! MH
Oct 09, 2009
Jon, just read your comment on my video. All I can say is thanks! I had a tough week and reading comments like that can really right a ship. Pleased that you got a chance to listen!
painted water
Jun 30, 2009
Thanks Jon! Especially for the lyrics and vocals! ;) Seriously though, comments from my favorite artists really mean the most. Dude, let me know when you finish your album as I would love to buy the CD! cheers, -Ian
painted water
Jun 27, 2009
Your very welcome. I always want people to know where they stand. Good stuff. Hey I have a review thread up, feel free to post a song for review. Even if it says paused, I will still get to it. Enjoying your tunes man, showed my roommate and he likes the songs too. :)
Big King (US)
Jun 20, 2009
Hey friend - I've got 2 new songs on my page, so check them out when you get a chance. Take care and thanks for listening.
Jun 15, 2009
Thanks for adding us to your station! Simone
painted water
Jun 14, 2009
Wow thanks for that comment! I am greatly honored. I was just listening to your tracks on my ipod today. The two tracks I am most addicted too right now is 'Changing My Mind' and 'We Don't Know a Thing (About O) I love the other ones too. I seem to need play those each day right now. And yes we share a love for acrylic painting. Right now it is my bread and butter. I plan on uploading some new art soon. Do you have any art up somewhere? cheers, -Ian