
15 songs
988 plays
Picture for song '123' by artist 'Junicy'
Picture for song 'Since You've Been Gone (Snippet)' by artist 'Junicy'

Since You've Been Gone (Snippet)

Contact for exact prices!!

Beats General

Picture for song 'I'm Rich bi*** (Snippet)' by artist 'Junicy'

I'm Rich bi*** (Snippet)

Exclusive Rights: $500 Leasing Rights: $40

Beats General

Picture for song 'Sexy Style (Snippet)' by artist 'Junicy'

Sexy Style (Snippet)

Exclusive Rights: $400 Leasing Rights: $40

Beats General

Picture for song 'Get On With It (Snippet)' by artist 'Junicy'

Get On With It (Snippet)

Exclusive Rights: $400 Leasing Rights: $40

Beats General

I ONLY WORK WITH ARTISTS. THESE BEATS AREN'T FOR EVERYBODY!! WANT TO BUY OR LEASE A BEAT? LEASING RIGHTS You will receive an encoded MP3 file of the tagged beat, and a copy of the raw WAV file. The song file can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Leasing rights do not allow you to use the beat for commercial recording or broadcast. You may use the beat for non-profit promotional use or demos FOR 10 MONTHS. You have full rights to record, alter, mix the beat/song in any shape, way, or form (except reselling the beat). You will receive a contract in the mail granting you non-exclusive rights to the beat. In the event that someone buys exclusive rights to the beat you have leased, your rights shall stand until the 10 months are over and the beat is still yours to use. The seller will not receive a royalty from the sale of records or downloads. You must however give full credit to the seller's producer name on all recordings. Upon purchasing leasing rights, the seller still owns the beat(s) and the seller is able to resell the beat(s) to any other party until exclusive rights have been purchased. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS You will receive a MP3 file of the beat , untagged (free of soundmarks) and a copy of the raw WAV file. The song file can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Exclusive rights grant you unlimited commercial recordings and broadcasts. You have full rights to record, alter, mix the beat/song in any shape, way, or form (except reselling the beat). You will receive a contract in the mail granting you exclusive rights to the beat. You own the recording as a "work made for hire". The original seller may no longer lease or sell the beat, except for prior leasing rights holders and his/her own promotional page (no downloads there). The seller will not receive a royalty from the sale of records or downloads. You must however give full credit to the seller's producer name on all commercial recordings. FOR THE EXACT PRICES CONTACT ME AT : Junicy.beatz@gmail.com


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Beats Beats General

id: 845823


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