*Drake* Roses (Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
=PAPERFALLBROS.COM= MP3 Lease 25$ WAV Lease 35 Premium Lease 75$ Unlimited Lease 150$ For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com

*HOT* 100 Shades (Buy 2 Get1 Free)
$30 Trap 161 BPM 4/4 No samples

City Of Dreams (BUY 2 GET 1 FREE)
=PAPERFALLBROS.COM= MP3 Lease 30$ / WAV Lease 50$ / Premium Lease 100$ / Unlimited Lease 200$ / For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com
![Picture for song 'Bullets [Hard Aggressive Rap Beat]' by artist 'Paperfall Bros'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/765/images/p/song/paperfallbros%2Bbulletshardaggressiverapbeat2.webp)
Bullets [Hard Aggressive Rap Beat]
= PAPERFALLBROS.COM = MP3 Lease 30$ / WAV Lease 50$ / Premium Lease 100$ / Unlimited Lease 200$ / For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com
$30 Trap 93 BPM No samples

Action (BUY 2 GET 1 FREE)
=PAPERFALLBROS.COM= MP3 Lease 30$ WAV Lease 50 Premium Lease 100$ Unlimited Lease 200$ For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com

FUKUMEAN (Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
![Picture for song 'You & Me [Eminem, Emotional Rap Beat]' by artist 'Paperfall Bros'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/554/images/p/song/paperfallbros%2Byoumeeminememotionalrapbeat2.webp)
You & Me [Eminem, Emotional Rap Beat]
= PAPERFALLBROS.COM = MP3 Lease 30$ / WAV Lease 50$ / Premium Lease 100$ / Unlimited Lease 200$ / For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com
$30 Hip Hop 92 BPM No samples
![Picture for song 'Came Back [Cardi B, Hard Trap Beat]' by artist 'Paperfall Bros'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/377/images/p/song/paperfallbros%2Bcamebackcardibhardtrapbeat2.webp)
Came Back [Cardi B, Hard Trap Beat]
= PAPERFALLBROS.COM = MP3 Lease 30$ / WAV Lease 50$ / Premium Lease 100$ / Unlimited Lease 200$ / For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com
![Picture for song 'Talk My Shit [Dark Aggressive x Diss Type Beat]' by artist 'Paperfall Bros'](https://cloudimages.soundclick.com/807/images/p/song/paperfallbros%2Btalkmyshitdarkaggressivexdisstypebeat2.webp)
Talk My Shit [Dark Aggressive x Diss Type Beat]
= PAPERFALLBROS.COM = MP3 Lease 30$ / WAV Lease 50$ / Premium Lease 100$ / Unlimited Lease 200$ / For Exclusive rights inquiries just contact me: paperfallbroz@gmail.com
- freestyling over a beat
- licensing music for use in TV or for a movie
- remixing or use audio samples
You can click on each feature on the left side of the comparison chart above to learn more about each one.
To get a tag-free audio please make sure you purchase a license which features "untagged audio".
To license a beat without audio tag and to use in a professional manner please buy a license from this page. Usually those are $25 and up.
The Stem file also usually includes the original stereo master of the track for standard playback.