Bobby Acres
Fort Worth, TX USA
Joined January1 2008
THE VOICE: FROM BAMA 2 BAGHDAD was a project that wrote itself. I know that sounds strange, but when I arrived in Iraq I was frustrated with the state of Hip Hop and it's lack of creativity, lack of individualism, and basically the lack of love for the art. Six months later after conversations with Soldiers, Contractors, TCN's (Third Country Nationals) Iraqi Citizens, and Iraqi Soldiers who served under Sadam along with my own experiances the project began to take form. I started thinking about my beginning coming from Lanett Alabama, and ending up in the hostile environment of Iraq and I begin to write about that journey. The Voice details life highs and lows, and the day to day struggles that we all must conquer. This project will take you on a emotional roller coaster that will make you laugh, cry, dance, and most of all Think. You can also purchase THE VOICE: FROM BAMA 2 BAGHDAD on ITunes, 3GUpload, Arvato, AudioLunchbox, Bitmunk, BuyMusic, Buytone, Chondo, Daiki, Destra, DigitalKiosk, Emusic, GreatIndieMusic, HearMusic, Inprodicon, Interia, Liquid Digital Media, LoudEye, Mouzika, MP3-Extension, MP3tunes, Mperia, MSN Music, MusicHere, MusicMatch, MusicNet, MusicNow, Muze, MyKidsTunes, Napster, NewViews Music, NextRadio, Nifty, PassAlong, PayPlay, PlayIndies, Puretracks, QTRnote, Rhapsody, Ruckus, RuleRadio, SonicGarden, Sonific, Sony Connect, Theta Music, Tradebit,TreeTunes, USEN Corporation, Ver
My Music
1 song
14 songs ·
2 artists
Mar 26, 2008
check our new no budget video out 100
Mar 06, 2008
yo, what's good?
nice traks.
come and check out new beat on my profile - hell!
holla back
Pure Genius The Beatmaker!
tom king
Feb 26, 2008
Hi,Thanks for the friends request.Welcome...Tom King
Feb 09, 2008
good lookin folk much respect 1!!
J.R. Rivers
Jan 19, 2008
Thanks for the add....Keep rockin' bro...Peace...J.R.
All comments (6)
peace one son...thanx 4 tha luv. Joy abound ~Mo'Kha