Andréa Santos
Brazil Joined August8 2006
My Music
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Jun 27, 2008
Hello Andrea, thanks for the add, take care and have a safe and wonderfull week end. GOD BLESS.
jeffrey michael miller
Mar 20, 2008
Thanks for the friend add! I appreciate it!
b i g g z$
Feb 12, 2008
Dec 19, 2007
Hi, Andrea, thanks for adding me to your network of friends. I really appreciate your lovely photos and I look forward to keeping in touch with you. Thanks for sharing!
Nov 24, 2007
Hi Deinha .. ! :-) I've just seen your message cuz I usually don't visit my own page.. lolz :-) Apologies for the late reply and thanks for adding and listening to my music.. I'm working on some new tunes, which would be coming on my soundclick page soon.. Hope you enjoy my stuff.. :-) Cheers ! :: Musicarian ::
Scientek Basement
Nov 16, 2007
Hey Andrea! nice to see you in our message board!!! i hope your doin well.... how is brazil ???? :D best wishes to you and hope 2 see you soon!! arno
Higher Than Pope
Nov 16, 2007
Hi Andr�a! I figured I would return the favor and just stop by to say hello too! (Next time you really could say more than hello!) I hope you have an absolutely fabulous weekend. Cheers! HTP
guitar 24
Nov 16, 2007
Hello, I thank you for the friend add! It is always my pleasure meting new friends here on soundclick! Thanks for stopping by! I wish you a wonderful weekend filled with much happiness and joy! Take care now! peace and love, Dave
andre lima
Oct 12, 2007
OI Querida, tudo bom? Eu to procurando gente do Brasil por aqui neste site, te achei! :) Eu gostaria de ouvir os seus trabalhos, mas não achei nada aqui no seu profile, vc poderia me mandar o link? Grande abraço!
Sep 11, 2007
Deinha, thanks for the add, just wonted to say Hi.