Mike Curtis
North Hollywood, CA USA
Joined August8 2006
I sing and play racked C harmonica, guitar, and organ bass pedals (at the same time). Sounds confusing? Not for me. I don't think about it. I "hear" the music in my head, and it comes out on the instruments. My music is unusually tight.
I've played harmonica well over 60 years. I've come up with a method of getting those "missing notes" that is unique and very much "different" than the one used by most advanced harmonica players for chromaticity ("overblows", which I find to have a "cardboardey" quality to them). As luck would have it, my method also produces notes of the most consistent timbre, eliminating unpleasant anomalies while reinforcng "the positive qualities" of harmonica.
I don't judge myself in comparison to others. That would undermine what *I* am capable of doing. I find that I can play almost *ANY* song instrumentally on harmonica, most with no rehearsal, all having notes that are *perfectly* formed, all with identical timbre.
Most harmonica players have different timbres across the harmonica, depending on which note, whether high, low, blow or draw, etc. This is why most harmonicists play mostly on 2 thru 5 draw, and utilize amps with TONS of distortion, to mask their basic shortcomings. I STOPPED using distorted amplifiers, and run mine directly into my sound reinforcement system, to SHOW OFF just how good and even my harmonica tone really is.
The same techniques that give me great harmonica tone also give me great vocal tone.
My Music
5 songs
LOUD volume
Apr 4, 2012
If you enjoy ringing ears and pain,my music is not for you. When I want to get intense, I turn DOWN. It's called dynamics. "Dynamics? I'm playing as loud as can!" You can hear me. But you can also converse, order drinks, and tell me how much I blow/suck. (Well, I do play harmonica :D )
New tunes
Mar 28, 2008
I just uploaded a bunch of new tunes. Jazzy blues, bluesy jazz, jump blues, blues rock. I'll post lyrics soon.
Ed Stallman
Jun 12, 2008
Thanks for the friend add! Truly great music and talent you have. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ed; Thanks very much for your message. -Mike