Westmoreland, PA  USA Joined January1 2005
My Music
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Daniel Waite
May 29, 2009
Hey Vin, I'm working on a few projects right now, one plugged in blues and another one not so plugged in... :D Will be doing a collab with Kurt Lewis Neufer soon...a remake of one of his blues tunes. If you have anything in mind for a collab, let me know...would love to work with you! Talk to you soon, thanks for sayin' hey! :D
Misty Morning
Nov 13, 2008
good morning its a beautiful day in my neighborhood and i hope it is in yours. i have a big pot of coffee on and listening to my "misty morning mix" station. i bet you can find some songs you like. come on over and hang out with me awhile. xoxo
Daniel Waite
Oct 26, 2008
Hey Vin, how have you been? I hope you're doing very well. I came by to say hi, I know it's been a long, long time. Have a great week ahead my friend,
Mar 06, 2008
Hey VIn, Hope your doin' great dude. Freezin' here in NM Miss Nashville Movin to St. Pete soon where it's warm all year so I can ride my Harley, Fish, Watch girls ooooops,,,,, that wasn't suppose to come out ha ha ha ha
Nov 16, 2007
Hi Vin! Thank you for adding me as a friend. Hope to see you soon. Please feel free to visit my bandpage for some Scandinavian Country That Rocks!! Cheers! Frank, Lonerock
the lone rearranger
Jul 08, 2007
Hi! Really like your songs. 'Tomorrow' is especially good. I've added you as a fave to my page. Drop by some time...
Jul 01, 2007
Hey stranger! Just dropped by to say a "Hellloooo over there!!!" :D Take care, have a great Sunday... Lex xx
rickie ray
Jun 29, 2007
Hey Vin how ya doing??are you giging around the 4th? hope all is well!! keep up the good work--rickie ray
May 31, 2007
hi vin sorry for the delay in replying. we've been offline for a while. thank you for your kind comments. we are enjoying your relaxing guitar sounds . really nicely played and recorded. cheers mate! rose and matt, tfl
May 10, 2007
Hey Vin, Just dropped in to say hi, played my girlfreind some of your tunes and she loved them to. gonna play a couple to my singer when he comes round for pre show drinks tomorrow, were on a local tv show doing a couple of songs. he'll love yr tunes to, they'll be right up his alley, gonna post some of our country rock stuff up on the dust n bones profile soon, be honoured if you'd check it out. peace love and much beer to all. The Jester.