CJ Young

I don't really remember how this came to be, but i think it's a nice little groove. again, sorry about the bad solo.
4/23/2005 Beats General

High and Dry
This is actually in some kind of form. i made it last summer at barry's previous condo/apartment in mandy's old room. yes that's right, mandy's old room. old room. room.
4/23/2005 Experimental

just a little loop and solo. maybe would go well with N02? tell me if you try.
4/23/2005 Experimental

Song Calypso
no it's not an actual calypso groove. the title reflects a dedication. sorry the guitar solo sucks., i didn't feel like redoing it.
4/23/2005 Experimental

Bright Size Life
By Pat Metheny, Performed by PA System and the Morning Announcements, with me, CJ Young on Drums.
3/7/2005 Jazz General