We are all moving somewhere, continously, just to seek some answers, asnwers of some oldest questions ? what is the reality? what is the true essence of existance ? what is conciousness ? are we conciouss?
Artificial Intelligence will one day become a threat to our survival.humans will suffer from Psychological, Religious and spiritual problems and get puzzled in such complications.
hey hi there.....
check it out...
hey just passing by Im not too sure how I got to your page but I took a listen and Im very impressed I really like the "Heart" track...Im working on some projects right now but I downloaded it to perhaps sing something deep on it...if ya dont mind....well good luck and I'll stop by again to see if theres new tracks......INesia
You have a great sound. I'd like to catch you live sometime, maybe we'll see ya on the road. Keep it Loud. You got my vote. If u get a few mins Check us out .Any and all feedback is appreciated. J. of the jerico project