L J Griggs
Michael Bennett
Sep 01, 2015
Song: Please Call Home
Faithful rendition of this - one of my favorites!
Kathy Reynolds
Mar 06, 2011
very impressive music!
Ian Brough
Oct 18, 2010
Some real nice blues there man! Great stuff!
Annice Graves
Oct 11, 2010
Hello Mr. Griggs:
Ooh, how sweet you sound! I really love listening to you play that guitar...very sweet sound! Please check out the funky and soulful educational music I'm producing. I really would love to hear your feedback.
Thanks so much,
Oct 18, 2008
nice guitar work there wowzer, hey I lived in Canton for 7yrs now in Dallas GA.....thanks for the friends request, we will have to come out and see your band some time :)
Oct 16, 2008
beautiful phrasing - i read a little of your band info -n- can tell you feel your music -n- don't read it.
Fantastic cover with awesome guitarwork and superb vocals. (wish I had a voice like that) Taylor-made for the blues. Well delivered!