Most things happen because we make them happen. But some things happen because they're meant to happen. This song was meant to happen, and I'll tell you why.
I'm an attorney, not a professional musician or songwriter. But this song came to me on its own and I had no choice but to see it through. My mother asked me to write a song for a Veterans Day program she organized last year, but I was studying for the bar exam at the time and had neither the time nor the expertise to write it. I knew better than to turn down my mom, so I agreed.
In the middle of some awful contract law the lyrics flowed into my mind like a waterfall. I poured them on a page, and that night the melody followed in similar fashion. I had my song. It was meant to happen.
I've played it live twice since that day, both times getting powerful approval from veterans and their families and loved ones. It became clear to me that this song could help people, somehow, and that I should try to make it happen. So I did.
I hope this will lift spirits and reconnect generations of veterans and their families.