I am constantly working on parodies. Starting at the end of 2004, I have typically completed one to five parodies per month.
It varies greatly. I have written several parodies in less than an hour, while others can sit around for weeks, months, or even years waiting for me to find the right words to finish them.
Check out my Website at parodyman.com
Not yet, but if you want to produce an album of my work and make both of us famous and rich, I would not be opposed.
Far and away, Tom Lehrer is the greatest influence on my parody writing, followed by Stan Freberg. And I would probably never have become as involved with parody writing as I am today if it weren't for The Dr. Demento Show, which showed me that there is a vast community of parody writers, and AmIRight.com, which provides a forum for parody writers to share their work.