
Picture for song 'New bass beat' by artist 'curtisharper'

New bass beat

a beat i lost and recreated it 3 times, and saved it, this time i deleted it but found a screen recorded of it, its why u hear static, a simple A note , but found a sinister vibe. almost but naw. still thinking of recreating it.

Beats General

Picture for song 'Got to keep going' by artist 'curtisharper'

Got to keep going

Beats General

Picture for song 'Saving it here' by artist 'curtisharper'

Saving it here

Beats General

Picture for song 'trying' by artist 'curtisharper'
Picture for song 'i got to think right from now on (Beat)' by artist 'curtisharper'

i got to think right from now on (Beat)

Beats General

Picture for song 'Realizing (beat)' by artist 'curtisharper'

Realizing (beat)

Something I worked on in my phone

Beats General

Picture for song 'I gotta find (beat)' by artist 'curtisharper'

I gotta find (beat)

Beats General

Picture for song 'forgive me (beat)' by artist 'curtisharper'

forgive me (beat)

something i made for my wife

Beats General

Picture for song 'get up' by artist 'curtisharper'
Picture for song 'idk yet' by artist 'curtisharper'

idk yet

something i made fast and sticked with it, still editing the kick, bridge and last verse. still mixing.

Beats General

Picture for song 'what i lost' by artist 'curtisharper'

what i lost

still fixing the drums, come back to hear the full

Beats General

Picture for song 'just what' by artist 'curtisharper'

just what

Beats General

Picture for song 'i guess' by artist 'curtisharper'
Picture for song 'alil something ( Rez beat ) still in a making.' by artist 'curtisharper'

alil something ( Rez beat ) still in a making.

a dance beat I'm working on right now,

Beats General

Picture for song 'unknown ( new Rez Beat)' by artist 'curtisharper'

unknown ( new Rez Beat)

Beats General

Picture for song 'Chin up' by artist 'curtisharper'

Chin up

something I'm still making

Beats General

Picture for song 'guitar recording' by artist 'curtisharper'

guitar recording

something im working on

Beats General

Picture for song 'i still feel lost ' by artist 'curtisharper'

i still feel lost

something I made, sept 5 2017, had nothing to use to upload it, so ill leave this here where I can re download it again if I lose the beat.

Beats General

Picture for song 'hold my ground ' by artist 'curtisharper'

hold my ground

something i created, made it short before but i add more bars to it, just simply added the patterns to make it longer, i can edit it out later.

Beats General

Picture for song 'unknown 3 sample' by artist 'curtisharper'

unknown 3 sample

a quick sample i made, still making this just been creating, mixing and screen shoting the beat , bought myself a computer so i can mix now, without it crashing. but still have demo version of fl studio, made this lastnight, still creating it tho.

Beats General