Syntopia Music

Electronic,Electro,Dark Wave,Ambient,Jazz,Pop,Hip-Hop,Alternative,Club, remix, dj,

11 top 1
53 top 50
149 songs
453K plays
Picture for song 'Dont Cry' by artist 'Syntopia Music'

Dont Cry

(c) syntopia Music all rights reserved


Picture for song 'Syntopia - Solstice' by artist 'Syntopia Music'

Syntopia - Solstice

(c) 2012 Syntopia


Picture for song 'When I See Your Smile' by artist 'Syntopia Music'

When I See Your Smile

(c) Syntopia Music 20111 all rights reserved


Picture for song 'Buoyancy' by artist 'Syntopia Music'


(c) Syntopia Music 2010

Smooth Jazz

Picture for song 'Under The Old Elm Tree with Bob Forbes' by artist 'Syntopia Music'

Under The Old Elm Tree with Bob Forbes

Syntopia Music & Bob Forbes (c) 2011


When I See Your Smile
Syntopia Music The musical development begin in the early 70..s. The first contact with music was as a DJ . I worked in some Clubs. The influence of the 70s Bands give me the motivation to learn Drums, Percusion and Keyboards. In the 80s and 90s i played in some Bands as Keyboarder and Drummer. 1997 i formed the Ambient-Electro Band " Violent " My primary works was now in the studio. Spoiled Kids, Toing & Froing, Mysterious and Across The Inner Circle was the result of this period. 2002 I worked the first time with a Majar Label ( WEA) in a new Gernre as Takashi. The EP "Tranz Emotion" was a Trance-Club mini Album. 2003 i worked again as DJ in some Internet Radio-Station. Beside Violent i composed and arranged Songs for others Artists.Some Collabs rounded my musical picture. 2006 was Syntopia Music with the Album "Shark" born. With Rapster i collab 2007 the Song " Cant Be Stoppin" and the same-namend Video clip. The Video becam the nominate for the Best Video, best Song and most original Song with the Crave Festival. 2008 Syntopia Songs are covert from much artists, DJ Mawi mix the Syntopia Mega Mix.
Band/artist history
Discographie: Shark Sleepwalker Blue Bondage Life Electro Exodus Sands Of Time you can listen Syntopia Music on this CDs to: Joe Nickerson - Rapsters Guitars It Joe Nickerson - Rapsters Guitars It 2 Red Eye C - Firebird Red Eye C - Best Of Thanks to all my musican friends who collab with me. Rapster, Serious Music, Margot Du Bois, RedEye C, Alexis van Eeckhout,Cloud. Apparition,Maxine Young
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, but Syntopia Music is first a Studio project.
Your musical influences
The musical influences are the seventies - Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, ELP, ELO and some Glam Rock Bands.
What equipment do you use?
Synt: Roland, Korg, Yamaha, Technics, Raven. Grooveboxes, e-drums, Percusion and many more equipment.
Anything else?
Syntopia Music search everytime musicans for Collab. Send me a mail


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