mark a stevens

county/pop songwriter

1 top 50
5 songs
2.0K plays
Picture for song 'just a little time' by artist 'mark a stevens'

just a little time

Country General

Picture for song 'say goodbye to sweet lorraine' by artist 'mark a stevens'

say goodbye to sweet lorraine

up tempo country song describes a woman who's finally had enough b.s.

Alternative Country

Picture for song 'she got the kids, ect. and i got the blues' by artist 'mark a stevens'

she got the kids, ect. and i got the blues

she got the kids, the car the house..and he's got the blues...damn

Alternative Country

Picture for song 'i'm all alone with the blues' by artist 'mark a stevens'

i'm all alone with the blues

classic country song about love drinking someone off your mind...

Alternative Country

Picture for song 'judi's place' by artist 'mark a stevens'

judi's place

song about a judi's place, a great little diner just off the interstate.

Country General

singer/, pop, various
Band/artist history
started playing at 13..
Have you performed in front of an audience?
not anymore..but i would for enough money
Your musical influences
tom petty. george jones, john prine. the beatles, johhny cash, too many to mention
What equipment do you use?
fender strat, various acoustics, bass guitar
Anything else?


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