
A new innovative sound between Alternative/Prog Metal and Classic Rock'n'roll!

7 songs
1.3K plays
Picture for song 'Voglio stare con te' by artist 'Dejanira'

Voglio stare con te

A melodic hard rock peace, reminds of the great hard rockers of the end of the 70's! Maybe our most commercial song, but still a strong exemple of what italian rock can be!

Rock General

Picture for song 'Peccato Originale' by artist 'Dejanira'

Peccato Originale

A strongly 'black sabbath style' song! Biting vocals and 7 string guitar riffs put this peace on a more modern style, while you can still found a 70's feeling all around!

Rock General

Picture for song 'Un'altra Magia' by artist 'Dejanira'

Un'altra Magia

An alternative-rock song, a low-B string riff will guide you through a mystique trip in a mixture of 70's rock and modern alternative metal!

Rock General

Picture for song 'Vite Sprecate' by artist 'Dejanira'

Vite Sprecate

A rally strange rythm for a strong melodic line. Both sweet and angry at the same time...

Rock General

Picture for song 'Appunti di viaggio' by artist 'Dejanira'

Appunti di viaggio

A hard rock american style hard rock with a prog contamination. Very melodic, indeed powerfull! Gotta listen!!

Rock General

A new alternative-rock band coming from Italy! Melodic licks, groovy and strong rythms, something you would never expect from Italian musicians! Come to our homepage: and see all about the band!
Band/artist history
Dejanira began in October 2005 right after 73Ponente and Dark Enchantment projects ended. These were two completly different realities: one a classic Rock-Blues line-up, the other a Gothic/Alternative Metal one. The new band is composed by Andrea Romi (Voice and guitar), Francesco Ciompi (Bass), Leonardo Madoni (Drums) and Matteo Bracalente (Guitar), each one was already an active member of Tuscan music community; what got in touch those musicians was their intent of creating new sound, something in italian music was missing! So, linking old and new styles, Dejanira was born! The Band in few months already took part in various national contests, such as Bologna Music Festival,Emergenza Rock, Altomonte Music Festival, "Siena in Rock", "Wasabi Rock Festival", besides various shows around Italy, playing its own unedited project. Actually Dejanira are concentrating their activity on recording their own songs, proposing a mix between 70 Rock roots and modern Alternative Metal, as shown in their first Demo "Appunti di Viaggio". Soon to come the latest recordings! All songs here a re copyrighted
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We love to play live and we will any time we can! By now we plaied in various live contests in Tuscany (Italy) such as emergenza rock, Bologna music festival and so on. We had variuos special moments when the whole people was clapping hands and jumping at the rythm of one of our songs, but the most exciting moment we had was in the Rozzi Theatre at Siena Rock contest, when the whole theatre sang a part of our song so loud I couldn't hear the drums!!
Your musical influences
What links us all is classic ROCK'N'ROLL! We got crazy for Saxon, Black Sabbath, The Darkness, Motorhead, but in the end each one of us has his own influences that you can find in our music. So you will find something reminding Afterhours, Satriani, Hendrix, and so on!
What equipment do you use?
We use Engl heads for the guitars, marshall and beheringer speackers. T.C. Electronics, Boss, Morley and Dunlop effects. Pearl Drums. Gibson Les paul and B.C. Rich "Bich" Guitars (Matteo), Ibanez Bass, a Hand made 7 string and various B.C. Rich Guitars (Andrea)
Anything else?
We love to have feedbacks on everything regarding the band, so don't be shy and let us know anything you may think about us! Thanx everybody for the support!


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