I do this solely for myself..it's how I vent. plus, I just like to write in general.. rhymes, papers, whatever. basically all you're going to find here is me venting or fucking with flows for my own purposes.
all feedback, negative or positive, is MUCH appreciated..it gives me something to read and *possibly* think about. just PLEASE DON'T TELL ME MY SOUND QUALITY IS BAD OR A VERSE IS SLOPPY because that goes without saying.
it's no secret what my past aliases were. if you recognize my voice and guess correctly, I'll confirm.
on rare occassions I kick a free ..
I've always loved music and discovered rap back in..probably 1996, and then underground hiphop through the internet soon after. I listen to everything so I guess subconciously it all influences me.
ha ha ha..good one
dream big, expect nothing, appreciate everything.