"Somebody Else" is an improvisational collaberation between Howard Anshell of YOURSELF on Electric Guitar, and Bill Wesley, who plays the Array Controller, an electic instrument of his own invention.
"Somebody Else" is dedicated to exploring new vistas of sound. The unique sound of the Array Controller with its great range, combined with the textures of Howard Anshell's otherworldy guitar effects gives the music of Somebody Else its own set of flavors, from bizarre to beautiful and from heavy to hypnotic.
Although Bill and Howard have been friends for many years, and had jammed together before a few times, their main focus has been and continues to be their own seperate music projects. Howard has been the main songwiter and guitarist for YOURSELF for 26 years, and Bill continues to create and play his "Array" instruments, both acoustic and electric. "Somebody Else" was coceived as a jam project for recording on "YOURSELF presents" and, as so, to create video art with the music.
So far the project has only formed in the studio to tape for the cable TV show "YOURSELF presents"
Hendrix, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Colosseum
Howard plays a 1973 Fender Telecaster, through a Digitech RP200; Bill plays the Array Controller.
Music is experiential. Just think backwards and enjoy the ride.