we are Eastside District, a group from Nova Scotia East coast baby!, we consist of 4 rappers , let me introduce myself i am Darcity, i am the producer and an artist, i will list our groups members in order from alphs, Darcity (me), Fraggelle, KFC and MC Mike. we just gettin back from our summer break............. new tracks, new flows, new styles and back better then ever,...
if u want our old tracks email me and ill send u a copy, i may consider puttin em on a new soundclick site.... ill cross dat bridge when i get there,
its labeled above..
we did some lil gigs that it,.. gonna get bigger wit shows as we press out more feasable shit..
dont got any, dont bite
just an e-jay, Mac, download/jack beats.......
and a Wally mic.. WOOT!