Shortway is a progressive, three-piece, rock act with a tendancy towards the less than mundane, with every attempt being made to strayfrom convention, but not reason(usually). Shortway uses a wide variety of instruments including samples, horns, flutes, drums&percussion, ect...
what was a five-piece by a longer name now has become two guys from Alaska and one guy from Boston living in Portland, OR. We have been playing locally(in Portland)for some time now and are currently in the midst of stepping up to include the whole west coast in support of our self-released debut album.
We play all the time in our native Portland, usually keeping to the east side of the river. One good instance that stands out is the benefitwe threw for the Population Connection(an overpopulation awareness group) and we had Tait(artist and friend)come and airbrush a 2'x3' painting and then we auctioned it off at the end of the night to help support the cause. Tait actually used stumpton coffee amongst other things to make the painting.
We use pretty much all Mesa. Their is a PRS and an Ernie Ball Bass and Yamaha custom maple drums.
Everything seems to work fine.
Think globally Rock locally