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Garry Mulgrew

Garry Mulgrew

Prophetic Worship. Praise and worship music,

20 songs
21.9K plays
Picture for song 'Prophetic Decree (Todd Bentley)' by artist 'Garry Mulgrew'

Prophetic Decree (Todd Bentley)

We started off with decree at Todd Bentley's 'Spirit of Elijah' healing conference.
These songs are being sung in churches around the world. I thank God for the opportunity to lead others in worship. I've had over 10,000 sheets of my music down loaded over the last two years. You can get the free sheet music here www.freepraiseandworship.org/cgi-bin/files/list/2726.html If you use these songs please add them to your CCLI report.
Band/artist history
I've been leading worship for years and these songs are being used in churches around the world. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChQK1OYxXh5gYReLpaf3VDA
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, I lead from a Fender electric Acoustic guitar. I also use a Fender Strat electric guitar.
Your musical influences
I love the whole passion movement and the heart they have after God. My mentor is Brian Doerksen who wrote "Come Now Is The Time To Worship" and many other songs. You can hear the song here that he helped me co-write.
What equipment do you use?
I play a Martin Arura acoustic as well as a Fender. I play a Fender Strat through a 2.0 Pod fx unit
Anything else?
If you would like me to come and lead worship at your conference or church please contact me at kgmulgrew@gmail.com


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