Return of the Prodigal Son (Re-Remastered)
Updated Testimony with Evangelistic message
Tobey or Not Tobey? (Slim Shady diss Response to T
Response to Slim Shady Tobey, who Responded to my CTCT3 -Come Out, Tobey: (spitfire, flying coach lines)
The Armor of God
(Made in 2005) Putting on the Armor of God and walking with conviction
CTCT3- Come Out (Epstein Islanders diss)
Exposing the Deep State, Epstein Islanders and the evil behind their agenda
So Fake- Tom Macdonald/Ben Shapiro exposure
Exposing Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro as controlled opposition
CTCT2: Rabbit Holes-Anonomas
About COVID19 and the 2020 recession. Make people AWARE, PLEASE SHARE.
Conspiracy Theories Come True-Anonomas
Just trying to get a message out there they're Poisoning our Land(food), Air, and Water. LAW