
An Indian metal band making a mark on a global scene in their own way. Armed with two kickass albums, Metakix continues to intrigue listeners everywhere with th

5 top 50
13 songs
5.7K plays
Picture for song 'Only The Good Die Young' by artist 'Metakix'

Only The Good Die Young

True heroes are often forgotten easily. Figure it out!

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Back In The Zone' by artist 'Metakix'

Back In The Zone

(((You wake up, you meticulously plan to go about your life in a certain way. You try everything in your power to toil towards the goals you've defined for yourself. You feel 'in control'. Guess what? Elsewhere, someone has already made plans for

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'True Alter' by artist 'Metakix'

True Alter

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'You're Bloody Right' by artist 'Metakix'

You're Bloody Right

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Anthem (Instrumental)' by artist 'Metakix'

Anthem (Instrumental)

Heavy Metal


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