Dr. Aaron D. McCall is God's visionary for First Missionary Baptist Church, affiliated with the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, located in a small, but blessed town called Hayneville, AL. Serving as senior pastor since July 2000, his faithful obedience to God has taken the First Baptist Congregation from glory to glory. The membership is growing the church is regenerated and focused on its mission. Dr. McCall's uncompromising and bold teaching of God's Word is changing the lives of people throughout the nation and soon the world.
To accomodate this new growth plans are under way to construct a 10,000 sq.ft. worship/teaching center and a family life facility. With Pastor McCall's leadership several new ministries have been established here at First Baptist;to include, the Women of Vision Ministry designed to minister to the whole woman, the Men of Vision- God's design for manhood,Children of the Promise-Youth Outreach to name but a few. Pastor McCall continues to equip us to become all that God will have us to be.
Educationally, Dr. McCall has earned a bachelor's degree in Political Science from Tuskegee Institute (University), bachelor of Theology from Selma University, Masters of Public Administration Degree from Auburn University, Montgomery, Masters of Human Resource Management Degree from Troy State University, Montgomery and Doctor of Ministry Tennessee School of Religion. Dr. McCall has received many honors, to include twice being recognized by the Alabama Governor's office.
In 1994 Dr. McCall was a founding member of the Alabama Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship serving as the first Adjutant (Director of Protocol). He later served as The 1st Assistant to the District Overseer for the Gulf South District and the state as Director of Economic Development.
Many are blessed through the various ministry venues Pastor McCall travels and ministers, and generations are changed because of his passion for mentoring youth, men and pastors. Through his giftings, people are discovering their destinies and walking therein. Because of the anointing on his life, Dr. McCall has a close relationships with key leaders in religious as well as political arenas which allows him to advance the kingdom of God on a whole new level.