Keith Foster

Want songs about Piers, Ghosts, Love, Loss, Regret, Beer, War, New York and Penguins? You have them here. Well, except perhaps not the penguins.

7 top 50
16 songs
1.2K plays
Picture for song 'Blunderland' by artist 'Keith Foster'


A satire inspired by Lewis Carroll and the current state of the world.

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Barnacle Bill & Testament (a sea shanty)' by artist 'Keith Foster'

Barnacle Bill & Testament (a sea shanty)

A sea-shanty or perhaps a lament. Then again maybe a last will and testament. Most definitely a work in progress.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'A Little Peace Of Mind' by artist 'Keith Foster'

A Little Peace Of Mind


Picture for song 'tell me what you need (working title)' by artist 'Keith Foster'

tell me what you need (working title)

Work in progress

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Sharp Little Splinters' by artist 'Keith Foster'

Sharp Little Splinters

Alternative General


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