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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'jesus'. Discover tracks described as 'jazz, christian, radio, life, gospel, god, worship, sing'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'Jesus Rising' by artist 'Acoustic Grace'

Jesus Rising

Acoustic Grace

Acoustic Grace: acoustic melodies influenced by the grace of God

In our songs, we have tried to portray what Christianity means to us - from the beauty of love, to the serenity of forgiveness, to the comfort received by prayer, and finally, to rejoicing in the Lord and the miracles He provides each and every day.  
We hope you enjoy the music and message!

Blues - Acoustic Blues

Picture for song 'Jesus Funk feat. King Littles' by artist 'O.G. RO'

Jesus Funk feat. King Littles


I am one of God's chosen vessel's to be a minister over beats.

Hip-Hop - Christian Rap

Picture for song 'Jesus On That Mainline' by artist 'Tampa Blue'

Jesus On That Mainline

Tampa Blue

Traditional, acoustic, Delta, slide, Piedmont, finger-style, Southern rural, pre-war, country,
pre-electric with a touch of spirituals, hollers, rags and Ameri

Traditional, acoustic, Delta, slide, Piedmont, finger-style, Southern rural, pre-war, country, pre-electric with a touch of spirituals, hollers, rags and American finger-style guitar seasoning.

Blues - Country Blues

Picture for song 'I'll Fly Away (Trumpet/Sing)' by artist 'Dave Meyers USA'

I'll Fly Away (Trumpet/Sing)

Dave Meyers USA

I'm a one of a kind Christian Artist that writes and performs  spiritual Children's songs, Christian Pop and Country. I recently added some old trumpet songs

Hi, welcome to my site! I write a variety of Christian Music from Christian Pop, Country & Childrens songs. They are very uplifting and upbeat! If you like what you hear, please tell your friends!
God Bless,

Pop - Christian Pop

Picture for song 'Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor' by artist 'Producciones Vandor'

Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor

Producciones Vandor

Ponemos a disposición un equipo para la realización de materiales de audio y video con fines educativos, evangelizadores y promoción de una cultura de valores

Nuestro trabajo fundamental está encaminado en la realización de materiales audiovisuales en apoyo a la labor pastoral de los Salesianos de Don Bosco y la Iglesia cubana en general
Ponemos a su disposición un equipo calificado, con medios eficaces para la realización de grabaciónes de audio, video, diseño gráfico, multimedia y desarrol...

Podcasts - Religious

Picture for song 'Justified!' by artist 'Donnie Priest'


Donnie Priest

I have been writing from the time I could play my guitar at 12 years old, I'm 70 now and for the last few years Ive been writing Christian music.

I'm a good ole boy from Georgia. As I have gotten older I feel I have a calling from God to write christian music. There are enough of my old lady done left with my dog songs. I'm sharing the good news of Jesus to a increasingly damaged world.

Country - Christian Country No samples

Picture for song 'You Are All I Need - Chuck & Linda Sylvester' by artist 'Chuck Sylvester'

You Are All I Need - Chuck & Linda Sylvester

Chuck Sylvester

Singer/Songrwriter in the Charlotte area

Pop - Christian Pop No samples

Picture for song 'The Clock Is Ticking Feat. Flud Cavion' by artist 'Brandon Tha Champ'

The Clock Is Ticking Feat. Flud Cavion

Brandon Tha Champ

Brandon Tha Champ Dowden use to make music to glorify the street life of a thug. Now he Glorifies the name of the most high. Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Hip-Hop - Christian Rap

Picture for song 'God's Love Is Always There' by artist 'Larry Whitler'

God's Love Is Always There

Larry Whitler

I am a solo singer/songwriter.  My music is mostly soft although my songs could easily be performed in mostly any style.

For me, it's all about the song.  That mysteriously magical thing that happens when a lyric is married to a melody.  The writing process is invigorating and exciting while simultaneously being exasperating and difficult.  It is that moment when music is being composed and a lyric is being written when I am truly the 'artist at his easel.'  
The creative process continues w...

Acoustic - Acoustic Piano

Picture for song 'C.AcousticHANS' by artist 'WorshipTone'
Picture for song 'I Believe [1]' by artist 'Daniel James (Martinusen)'

I Believe [1]

Daniel James (Martinusen)

Christian Contemporary and Christian Country Recording artist & songwriter

Hello. I am Daniel James, an original Christian Contemporary and country songwriter and recording artist.

Pop - Christian Pop No samples

Picture for song 'DIAMANT - AUS DEM HERZEN RAUS' by artist 'DIAMANT'



$25 Hip-Hop - Deutschrap - German

Picture for song 'The Sacrifice' by artist 'JustMan'

The Sacrifice


Humble and grateful, I don't make music for a lot of reasons others make music, I'm just blessed to have the gift to uplift, encourage and speak to the hurt

Born again and loving my new life in Christ

Hip-Hop - Christian Rap No samples

Picture for song '@Lokkoxo - I Got (Jesus)' by artist 'Lokkoxo'

@Lokkoxo - I Got (Jesus)


Jesus Christ is Lord

Jesus Christ is Lord
@Lokkoxo makes music to praise and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Hip-Hop - Christian Rap

Picture for song 'Gods Corner Music Mix (1)' by artist 'GodsCorner'
Picture for song 'EchoBlast' by artist 'dsXXX'



$25 Beats - Rock

Picture for song 'Native Weighz Ft. Neechie Nige - Residential roots' by artist 'Native Weighz'

Native Weighz Ft. Neechie Nige - Residential roots

Native Weighz

Native Weighz, a brand new entity in the hip-hop community. Paving a fresh new way with an unforgettable style that leaves a lasting impact.

Hip-Hop - Christian Rap

Picture for song 'Writing Our Wrongs' by artist 'King Jesus Christ'

Writing Our Wrongs

King Jesus Christ

Pop - Dance-Pop

Picture for song 'You Are Great(By MosesBliss Hausa Cover)' by artist 'Yaks Aruwa'

You Are Great(By MosesBliss Hausa Cover)

Yaks Aruwa

Yaks Aruwa is a gospel minister and currently an OAP with Salama FM. He is a young man with a passion to take the Gospel to the lost. He is married to Precious
,   SamAp2 ,   Samdave

World - World General

Picture for song 'Come to Jesus' by artist 'Celebration (1976) Revisited'

Come to Jesus

Celebration (1976) Revisited

Contemporary Christian Music from 1976.

Way back in the Mid 1970's, before 'Contemporary Christian' was even a genre, a group of folk in Merseyside, UK, were exploring how playing the music they liked fitted in with the things they believed. 
Amongst them were a band called Celebration, who never made an album, played a few concerts (Mostly in 1977.. but the very first in 1976.. hence the name 'Celebration - 1976 - revisited') and then went their different ways.
Band Members (at various tim...

Pop - Christian Pop

Picture for song 'In love with Jesus - Ayokunnumi' by artist 'Ay Praise Crooner'

In love with Jesus - Ayokunnumi

Ay Praise Crooner

Beats - Beats General No samples

Picture for song 'Used To Be' by artist 'Kevin Green'

Used To Be

Kevin Green

Kevin Green Christian music.

Country - Christian Country

Picture for song 'Rock of Ages' by artist 'Classical Praise'

Rock of Ages

Classical Praise

Classic Christian public domain instrumental songs of praise. These loved pieces never get old and are famous the world over and have instant mass recognition!

I am a multi instrumentalist and multi genre composer, producer, and performer.

$25 Pop - Christian Pop

Heart (Buy 1 Get 2 FREE!)
$30 Old School 152 BPM 4/4 No samples