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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'headphones'. Discover tracks described as 'rock, new, soundtrack, lyrical, 2018, guitars, asian, peace'. Selected free MP3 downloads.
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Hip Hop Producer from Ft. Worth, Texas Feel free to contact me at thisnthatbeats@gmail.com

headphoneson tatum
group of friends Here are some songs a few friends and I have recorded. We hope you enjoy what you hear. Leave us a message and let us know what you think. If your in the area and would like to record some stuff drop me a line and lets hook up.

Jesus, Buddha , Ghandi and Martin Luther King.
Genre fluid songwriter but generally in the Americana /country/rock/ blues /folk arena.

Some Like It Loud
Welcome to my music pages. Look around and I hope you'll find something that you like. Being able to play and enjoy music is a gift that's often taken for granted. This music is a mixture of my own creations, along with some collaborations with others.

Pros and Cons
Delusional About Love My name is David Mallory. There are dozens of David Mallorys on the net so I go by the stage name Meglodave. This is a self deprecating name I gave myself over 20 years ago. I suffer from a form of erotomania. I have the mistaken belief that someone is in love with me and she gives me messages on the radio. I am aware of this but still Ive been unable to shake it. As a method of coping, I have taken to making and listening to my own music using GarageBand. Most of my stu...

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