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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'squash'. Discover tracks described as 'dancehall, untitled, fugazis'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

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Goofy pop rock in an ironic, cynical, witty sense. You know the type.
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Picture for song 'squash' by artist 'No Curfew Kids'


No Curfew Kids

Producer of music since 2013, I make stuff the way that makes sense to me.

I became interested in making music almost as soon as I first fell in love with the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack.  Early attempts at this were switching between tracks on the previewer, some sort of rudimentary DJing.  The common theme with my music despite the jumps in sounds from tracks and albums, is that I approach each song as a sort of art puzzle, where it doesn't particularly matter where the pieces go, if the...

Electronic - Industrial

Picture for song 'Untitled Squash x Fugazis type beat Dancehall' by artist 'Yowprado'

Untitled Squash x Fugazis type beat Dancehall


Productor de musica urbana panameƱo.

Dancehall y afrodancehall.

$25 Beats - Beats General

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