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Stream music and buy beats tagged 'lapsteel'. Discover tracks described as 'rock, electronic, ambient, blues, country, folk, original, afropop'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song 'lapsteel' by artist 'BCrust'



Beats - Trap

Picture for song 'lapsteel_demo' by artist 'Zhyla's Imaginary Band'
Picture for song 'Lapsteel blues' by artist 'rune1988'

Lapsteel blues


Beats - Rock

Picture for song 'stacattoe' by artist 'skeeter'



World - World Fusion

Picture for song 'still' by artist 'skeeter'
Picture for song 'Give The Dog Your Food' by artist 'Stephen Verderber'

Give The Dog Your Food

Stephen Verderber

Acoustic - Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'TIGHT & MEAN' by artist 'Geo Ballentine'
Picture for song 'The Sting ft Geo' by artist 'Geo Ballentine'

The Sting ft Geo

Geo Ballentine

Electronic - Ambient

Picture for song 'Postcards From Hawai'i' by artist 'Dan Cumpian'

Postcards From Hawai'i

Dan Cumpian

Country - Country-Rock

Picture for song 'Vintage Tunes no.4' by artist 'Matteo Curcio'

Vintage Tunes no.4

Matteo Curcio

$29 Beats - Jazzy Beats

Picture for song 'Crush' by artist 'Ph.D of Sound'
Picture for song 'It's A New Year In An Old Life' by artist 'Geo Ballentine'

It's A New Year In An Old Life

Geo Ballentine

Acoustic - Folk

Picture for song 'Boot Heel Swing' by artist 'Peter Hall'

Boot Heel Swing

Peter Hall

Country - Country Swing

Picture for song 'floppy' by artist 'skeeter'
Picture for song 'Oil Spot' by artist 'John Layne and the Aeon's Promise Band'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Medium Rock 001' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Funk 002' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Funk 001' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Country 002' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Country 001' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Blues 001' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'Lap Steel Blues 002' by artist 'Guitar and other lead solo's'
Picture for song 'S'All A 'Tude Uno' by artist 'Pyrite - Pyritez'

S'All A 'Tude Uno

Pyrite - Pyritez

$25 Beats - Beats General

$26 Hip Hop 140 BPM No samples