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Stream music and buy beats tagged '612'. Discover tracks described as 'underground, westcoast, midwest, loud, minneapolis, lex, dpg, smokin'. Selected free MP3 downloads.

Song title
Picture for song '61222' by artist 'xany'



$15 Beats - Hip Hop 140 BPM

Picture for song '612 081' by artist 'AKXL BEATZ'

612 081


Je suis auteur compositeur québecois visant à travailler en collaboration avec des gens de partout pour découvrir les vybes du monde.

Axl Blouin (AKXL) est un rappeur originaire de Drummondville, au Québec, Canada. 
N'hésitez pas à explorer sa musique et à le suivre sur les réseaux sociaux pour rester informés de ses dernières créations tel que ses albums Zirnitra & Dystopie, ou redécouvrir ses classiques tel que Sépulture et Achromatopsy!

Beats - Beats General

Picture for song '6122022' by artist 'KD0tt'
Picture for song 'Grave Measurementz / East Bowen B. [1]' by artist 'prolecs'

Grave Measurementz / East Bowen B. [1]


a tight thought pervoking style that anyone can listen to.inlighting poetic words that make images come to life. music to keep lost and found in. battle,pu

GET ready for the new PROLECS.......2020
If you want to contact me email

Hip-Hop - Spoken Word

Picture for song 'SMOKIN LOUD PRODUCED BY, CARDO' by artist 'CRIME DOGG'



J.Wilson a.k.a Crime Dogg Is a nationally recognized independent Rap Artist/Music Producer from Minneapolis Minnesota Specializing in Urban music production.

John Wilson aka crime dogg brings more than 13 years of music industry experience and artist development to 612 Records LLC. A dedicated Hip hop artist/ Music producer John is a successful entrepreneur with a proven track record in the music industry who has worked with major and Independent record labels on promotions, marketing, brandi...

Hip-Hop - Spoken Word

Picture for song 'Grind all the time Ft. KB, Komplete, Navarro, AWE' by artist 'Paulie Smoke'

Grind all the time Ft. KB, Komplete, Navarro, AWE

Paulie Smoke

Hip-Hop - Hip Hop General

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