A song about enjoying life instead of constant worry.
morris p rainville
Morris P. Rainville
Forget the heartaches, let's party and have a good time
You get the beer, John will bring the whiskey, I'll bring the wine
Let's have some fun, leave cares behind
Forget heartaches, bills and worries, let's have a good time.
- 1 -
Watch news on TV, it leaves you depressed
How politicians, can cause such a mess
They waste our money, and spin us a tale
If we were that careless, we'd end up in jail.
- 2 -
Just got my paycheck, it keeps getting smaller
Couldn't pay all the bills,there's a few left over
I could get upset, but Lord not this time
Let's forget the heartaches, and have a good time.
- 3 -
Read your morning paper, and shed a few tears
How all this can happen, heightens your fears
We need a world body, politics be damned
When will space aliens, come here to save man.
1991, Rarerabit Music (socan)