in the past ..
this is my first english song, so .. be nice fuckers
the first minute,i was freaking out
n the second minute,i was drinking alot
n after that,ya know how it is
so a couple years i lived in poverty
i did crims,just to my one of them
so in the future i would hopefully have a friend
it was many fights,a hell of a pain
ya cant see my tears cuz outside its rain
so i had some tuf years to go trough
it didnt matter,i would still fucking lose
to scared, to ask for help
couldnt run from the past,just stay in hell
what do you wanna me to do (wanna me to do)
what do you think i should do (think i should do)
i dont know man,thats why i ask you
i dont know man,what should i do?
i have some memorise,i just wanna erese
take it back,or forget it,but it stays
my best friends was drugs and alchohol
so everynight when i went out i was takin thoe
the time went slow,and i had a great time
how was i suppost to know that it will fuck my life?
cant do nothin now,but im still breathin
cant trust noone now,but im still seeing
my buddys, thoes who always have my back
n this track,is my first english rap
so, no fuckin,stay away from hell
what up fellas,javid is my motherfuckin name