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Am I Wasting My Time
Album   $6
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A song about not wasting life.
Peak #17
Peak in subgenre #1
Morris P. Rainville
September 25, 2016
MP3 3.4 MB, 160 kbps, 3:00
AM I WASTING MY TIME Morris P. Rainville Are you listening to me, do you hear what I'm saying Can you sense what I'm feeling, Am I wasting my time. Do you like what you see, do you know why I'm talking Do you hear what I'm saying, Am I wasting my time. Can you feel the tension, is here one more time While you're carrying on this way Can't you see the worry, running all 'cross my mind Life's too precious to waste away; Are you listening to me, do you hear what I'm saying Can you feel what I'm thinking, Am I wasting my time. Music Break... Can you look within, to the depth of your soul Like a child with a make believe friend When the free will is strong, it can tell right from wrong And greatness comes shining through again; Are you listening to me, do you hear what I'm saying Can you feel what I'm thinking, Am I wasting my time. Are you listening to me, do you hear what I'm saying Can you feel what I'm thinking, Am I wasting my time. Are you listening to me, do you hear what I'm saying Can you feel what I'm thinking, Am I wasting my time. 1990, Rarerabit Music (socan)
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