THis is one of my favorites THAT I ARRANGED......it reminds me of my Dad and Moms Christmas favorite band or orchestra or whatever they are all I know is we loved them in a simpler time..... MANHEIM STEAMROLLER.....jazzy though
fear not
chill merry gents
Story behind the song
Merry CHristmas seems so hard to say.... Merry CHRISTMYST is better for me it is Christmastide...... otherwise Im saddened by anything remotely Christmassy in this house.....cause there hearts arent in it.......Ive got no one to talk to... and Im grieving my mom and dad and I cant keep back the tears..........i live with people who dont know Jesus... I do.. and hes all I have.........and thats not a bad thing but when you ve got no one to talk to and people live here.....and there all krampused out.......not me Im longing for people who are in the SPirit.