Sorry, vocals are rotten, Evolution Jazz Archtop VST solo guitar, I just bought a new guitar so Ill compose with my guitar now, I stopped 5 years ago using one ( Jazz guitar really cheap Ibanez), Ill redo a spanish version tomorrow maybe, better voca
Story behind the song
I will force myself to compose like this , now: 1 Intro, 1 couplet, 1 refrain
I will always add an introduction, and always respect the couplet, then the refrain(hook).
The anterior life stuff will stay discrete, but obviously, can't get away with it. Theses lyrics are related to stuffs who happened near 1850 in arkansa, that I don't know about. This is not related to this era
Ok , let me explain why vocals are crappy, when The music composition is finished, who takes like 2h30; I have no strenght to sing good afterwards, I am suppose to redo it normally, but I often prefer to find better harmonies so I give up. I quite like the guitar melody on dis one.
Snare drum is not suppose to sound like this but only medium frequencies, like a loud goespel snare , and the Chile ranchero style shaker does not fit to rnb, ah ah ( pressure gets lost).
Edit 08 11 2024 : Ok, I will do a V2, sith a better singing style, no more crazy notes and ugly sound as I Can