sounds more intelligent than it is. LOL its a trick.
My wife collects interesting phrases from all the reading she does. I simply strung them together and occasionally them rhyme
So far so good
In our evergreen hood
and our Emotional gunpowder
still dry
Impressions of wisdom
take Intuitive leaps
as Smaller secret moments
slip by
Tender memories
beneath the
Rumbled covers
Sheltering in place
in our Personal cocoon
with Visions of tomorrow
in our intermittent sleep
In a Landscape of Silence
and a quarter of the moon
Designed to be temporary
struggling to thrive
Under The force that drives the flowers
In the space (in the space)
between the lines
Deep within the wilderness
We are clearly confused
And alone together
making our breakthroughs
Our very bones know otherwise
And scold us for the past
But through the curtain
Of the darkness
love and laughter last
Designed to be temporary
pretending that We thrive
Under The force that drives the flowers
In the space
between the lines