Brian Jones Room 206 by 'Les Pauls (The Pauls) from our new and 21st album The Chelsea Hotel#1 at
Brian Jones Room 206 by 'Les Pauls (The Pauls) from our new and 21st album The Chelsea Hotel#1 at
He was a pretty English boy
He brought so many women joy
He sowed his seeds near and far
He had more kids than he had fast cars
Brian, Mick and Keith met in that club in Ealing
They found each other rather appealing
Brian taught them to play the Blues
White boys playing black boys blues was then something new
Hed fly higher and higher to get his kicks
At The Chelsea he stayed in Room 206
Near Bob who said he looked cute in his Chinese Suit
Bob was the pied piper blowing his flute
10,000 white butterflies filled the air
Some people bowed their heads in prayer
In the crowd the girls were all a-crying
For the sudden loss of the life of Brian
Loss of the life of Brian
Shed left him and ran into the arms of Keith
Keith was her saviour and was not a thief
And the kid that Brian fathered with Linda
Was adopted together with the pagan folk singer
Brian did everything to extremes
Nothing with him was as it seemed
His big smile hid a tormented soul
Fed by drugs leading him to the edge of that black hole
He went to the studio but couldnt play
He didnt know if it was night or day
He couldnt go on that American tour
Coz hed been busted some time before
10,000 white butterflies filled the air
Some people bowed their heads in prayer
In the crowd the girls were all a-crying
For the sudden loss of the life of Brian
He quit the Stones a month before his death
As he gasped for air and took his last breath
Did he regret all those hed leave behind
To those he hadnt been patient and kind
His fate was sudden and was so cruel
Found at the bottom of the swimming pool
How did it happen will they ever say
Theres still speculation until this day
Moons in the sky and so are you
Jimi and Jim both wrote songs for you
Two months later they too joined you
And Club 27 was formed out of the blue
Read Rolling Stone Magazines obituary as it whispers
That Brian was more of a Rolling Stone than the others were
The Stones are now well into their 80s
If you were here would you still be chasing the ladies
10,000 white butterflies filled the air
Some people bowed their heads in prayer
In the crowd the girls were all a-crying
For the sudden loss of the life of Brian
10,000 white butterflies filled the air
Some people bowed their heads in prayer
In the crowd the girls were all a-crying
For the sudden loss of the life of Brian