Inspired by Psalm 68
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Inspired by Psalm 68
Psalm 68 Let God Arise!
Let God arise!
Thunder with a mighty voice
Scatter all His enemies
Let God arise!
Scatter all His enemies
Like smoke before the wind
Like wax before the flame they melt away
But let the righteous sing
Rejoice in God their maker
Extol the King of heaven
Who rides upon the clouds
Blessed be the Lord
Who daily bears our burdens
God of our salvation
Who keeps our souls from death
Let God arise!
Thunder with a mighty voice
Scatter all His enemies
Let God arise!
Scatter all His enemies
Like smoke before the wind
Like wax before the flame they melt away
Father to the fatherless
Champion of widows
He makes a home for orphans
and sets the prisoner free
The chariots of God
are numbered in their thousands
The Lord rides at their head
Clothed with majesty
Let God arise!
Thunder with a mighty voice
Scatter all His enemies
Let God arise!
Scatter all His enemies
Like smoke before the wind
Like wax before the flame they melt away
For God commands our strength
He fights in all our battles
He scatters all the people
Who take delight in war
Sing praises unto God
Who rides the ancient highways
He thunders with a mighty voice
His strength is in the clouds
Let God arise!
Let God arise!