DZ Instrumental
Story behind the song
In this song, I'm using my Dean Caddy for solos and Rhythm. I am also using my Les Paul for rhythm, tuned to Drop D.
I configured my Laney IronHeart 120 a bit differently on this recording, I'm going out of the direct out into my Audio interface. I'm using the twonote captor for load only and the speaker sim is turned off.
For the speaker sim, I am using the Porpedo wall of sound Inside of my Digital audio workstation / DAW. The cab for the solos is the 4x12 British Vintage 30s and the rhythms are the Friedman 4x12 with Vintage 30s. I am also using an Ibanez TS-9 Tubescreamer, a Dunlap Wah wah, and a Boss Auto Wah on the solos.