We Only Fool Ourselves
The devil has a special way--------- V1
To get his new recruits
He plants some seeds within us
To poison me and you
Like “It’s OK to cheat
Or “It’s alright to lie
Pretty soon our souls are lost
No heaven when we die
We only fool ourselves-------------- Chorus
That is how he wins
Convinces us it’s OK
To live our lives in sin
We only fool ourselves
We are an easy prey
Without Jesus in our hearts
Come the judgement day
The snake within the garden-------- V2
Wouldn’t stand a chance
Against our dear Savior
With his evil plans
He will be our armor
Protect us from sin
We just have to ask
And His light will come in
We only fool ourselves-------------- Chorus
That is how he wins
Convinces us it’s OK
To live our lives in sin
We only fool ourselves
We are an easy prey
Without Jesus in our hearts
Come the judgement day
Don’t give satan an inch------------ Bridge
Or he will take it all
Keep Jesus in your heart
Answer to His call
Instrumental Break
We only fool ourselves-------------- Chorus
That is how he wins
Convinces us it’s OK
To live our lives in sin
We only fool ourselves
We are an easy prey
Without Jesus in our hearts
Come the judgement day
Copyright John W Selleck BMI and Alexis Mazzeo