Two Acoustics (12/6) overdubbed with Nylon string jazz fills
False Prophets, teachers and preachers preaching a new Gospel truth. There is only one gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4).
The sky is getting dark and their trying to separate us
With division and misconceptions and lies
There’s always pressure to compromise.
You can’t make the truth (Jesus)
More true by changing it
You can’t make God less God (is Lord)
By ignoring him
Even the chosen, the gospel is at question
Satan has us doubting the truth
And considering his deceptions
Watering down the facts; ignoring certain scriptures
In order not to bring about conviction
By putting sin into question
Claiming to be prophets with a new truth
Talking to a god; that only you hear
Conflicting with the truth already revealed
More eye on the cash then focusing on the facts
All flash and tricks and unsubstantiated claims
Less about God’s glory then your personal fame