Song picture
Satire about censorship with Wylie Robbins Thorne-Thomsen on mandolin
#131 today Peak #1
#16 in subgenre today Peak #1
Tom Neilson
Tom Neilson 2022
August 23, 2022
MP3 12.8 MB, 320 kbps, 5:35
Story behind the song
I was just doing word play one day and it evolved into a song about media and government censorship and manipulation
Most Bobcats ain’t named Bob, Most Tomcats ain’t named Tom Most Pole Cats ain’t from the Pole; The whole truth ain’t always whole Fishercats don’t fish; a Bearcat’s not a cat; A bearcat’s not even a bear; Language can be tricky like that Most Hoot owls don’t give a hoot; Shooting stars don’t shoot; Most McGuires aren’t named Molly; Polyannas ain’t named Polly Most Stevedores ain’t named Steve; What you read is make believe Question everything you hear; Don’t breathe bad atmosphere You might not want me to say anything that gets in the way Of what you might be believing, but Wall St is deceiving Smart bombs ain’t so smart; knew that from the start, All they ever do is hurt; story’s old as dirt. Destroy the village to save it Cut down the trees, then pave it; Create a need & then crave it, From the cradle to the grave it. Sometimes the future is delayed; Sometimes it comes a little soon That same ole song has played & danced a million times around the room Looking back, in retrospect, should have looked before you lept The great reset isn’t great; You’re lost if you hesitate Don’t vote for evils of lessers; Don’t support your oppressors Don’t put your faith in Pharma drugs & pay for mercenary thugs Yes it’s 1984; déjà vu again once more ; A NATO Nazi proxy war; A Russian asset troubadour If you’ve a different point of view; They’re gonna sensor you; The letter of the law, is not to see what you saw In the blink of an eye, quick as a wink; you can’t think what you think With their lies to mix & match; when you could just go and have a catch. Sometimes the future is delayed; Sometimes it comes a little soon That same ole song has played & danced a million times around the room You might not want me to say anything that gets in the way As you go lie, kill and rob; Most Bobcats ain’t named Bob Why don’t you go get a job; Most bobcats ain’t named Bob.
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