Distrust the police? this one's for you! An old track I wrote after being harassed by the cops for no good reason. Revised+remastered. Hope you like it!
Story behind the song
Expressing my viewpoint on police
They were bullied as children then government instilled them
With the power to take the kids who bullied them and kill them
So chillingly militant they're not even real men
Pretend to stop villains, pillage rape and kill civilians
They got no life skills and to pay their bills they steal
Societal wealth for healthcare make it hurt instead of heal
In return, they break its will the corruption is concealed
I tell you how I really feel about the (WHOOP WHOOP)
To punish and enslave us they can get away with murder
For paid leave off the job, the whole sound of its absurd sir
But they pushed it miles further controlled crime and nurtured it
Mass-produced by the police state just to further it
You've heard of it police brutality is the word I spit
The reality got you scared a bit but it's history so learn from it
Took our freedom now their burning it usurping power turning it
Against us let's band together cut it off like tourniquets
Whoop whoop that's the sound of da police
Whoop whoop that's the sound of the beast
That they protect their own has alone been shown
Though it's known protection's owed to the people in their homes
Yet they go to your home pointing guns to your dome
Pump your dog full of lead then have a go at its bone
And those in five-o's zone groan discomfort's bright as chrome
Cause these clones hand out tickets like there's something you owe 'em
Catch em posted up like garden gnomes, faces of hardened stone
Recall they pardon no one people (get on up)
Sporting automated weapons disrespecting where they're stepping
You can get your pockets raided interjecting a question
Protesting's outdated it's time they learned their lesson
Pigs should be no less than hated, castrated in succession
What God keeps for them's stated as the opposite of blessings
I'm addressing the blatant issue of police state oppression
Mood rated depression cause it's staged as the recession
I tell police "You don't own me I'm Gods possession