I wrote this song for my wife Rose for her 52nd Birthday! MAHAL and was Recorded by Mark Riddick Productions in Nashville (I wrote this song in one day)
classical guitar
willie nelson
Story behind the song
I Wrote this song for my wife's 52'nd Birthday!
Recorded by: Mark Riddick Productions (markriddickproductions.com)
Featuring Ron Walls: lead vocals
Mahal, Mahal--The Queen of all Queens,
My one true love, from the Phi-li-ppines
She's so kind to others and so good to me
I'll love her throughout all eternity!
The first day I met her, she'd come from abroad,
A marvelous gift that was sent here by God.
Her beautiful long hair- so angelically...
She looked like an angel... Standing right before me!
Vs. 2
Her real name is Rose, which fits her for sure
The most beautiful flower, romantic and pure.
Always doing for others, so helpful and kind
Doing things for herself- are not on her mind.
VS. 3
She works before sunrise, and into the night
Working so hard, with all of her might!
Most of her money, she gives to the poor
That's one of her qualities, I most adore.
VS. 4
Sometimes I wonder, why I've been so blessed
To have my Mahal, she's truly the best!
I thank the Lord Jesus, for giving to me
the one that I love, for e-ter-ni-ty!
Chorus 2 (after verse 4)
Mahal, Mahal, my beautiful Rose
My wonderful wife... the one that I chose
I've loved my Mahal- right from the start
I'll love her forever with all of my heart!