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We All Need The Clowns feat. Paul Dempsey
License   $0.00
Album   $8
Synthie Pop meets Urban
Creative Commons license
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Peak #82
Peak in subgenre #18
Paul Dempsey/Serious-Music
Paul Dempsey/Serious-Music
January 29, 2018
MP3 5.5 MB, 160 kbps, 4:48
We All Need the Clowns Lyrics by Paul Dempsey (v1) They may not know our troubles But they know when we’re down They don’t have all the answers But it’s better when they’re around (v2) They stand right in front of us With that silly looking grin Searching our troubled face Waiting for a smile to begin (chorus) Yes, they are an escape When daily life is overwhelming With all its sights and sounds We need to laugh now and then Yes, we all need the clowns (v3) Now when my face lights up And I show my pearly whites The only thing that I can say Is they make me feel all right Instrumental (bridge) But sometimes I’ve wondered When these same clowns are down Who do they like having around (chorus) Yes, they are an escape When daily life is overwhelming With all its sights and sounds We need to laugh now and then Yes, we all need the clowns
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