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We are all called NAMES for better and for worse. Please listen to my song and if you enjoy it please forward it to some else that you think would enjoy its' message.....Pete
#503 in subgenre today Peak #8
Peak #18
Pete Gallatin
Pete Gallatin, 2004, BMI
October 09, 2017
MP3 5.0 MB, 160 kbps, 4:22
Story behind the song
Just the simple story of Love
Names There used to be this bully on my way home from school He taunted me called me names, sometimes he would throw stones One day I picked up a Hickory stick, Put that bully on the run I never let anyone call me names until you came along chorus 1 You called me Darling and I must admit that took me by surprise Never had anyone call me that, no one with such big brown eyes And I will love you for forever, that's one thing that will never change You called me Darling and I want you to know, I love the way you call me names v2 Years go by in the blink of an eye, God bless our family Seems like only yesterday I was buying your diamond ring Now honey I hear the baby crying I'll go and see what's wrong Think you'd better come here quick, she's trying to say something chorus 2 She called me Daddy, it's a miracle, that took me by surprise Never had anyone call me that, no one with such big brown eyes And I will love her for forever, that's one thing that will never change She called me Daddy and for the rest of my life, Daddy's gonna be my name Bridge And if someday, some brown-eyed boy says,"Grandpa is there a Santa Claus?" I will smile through tears of joy and know I got my name because... Repeat Chorus 1 Outro There used to be this bully on my way home from school Pete Gallatin, 2004, all rights reserved
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