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Grim Overlord - 03 - weakling god (Blasphemy trilo
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Peak #25
Peak in subgenre #4
April 05, 2013
MP3 6.6 MB, 160 kbps, 5:48
weakling god (music and lyrics by nigelfoo) You are such a c*** , I bet you are too weak to even masturbate I can't f*** ing understand why people worship you. I only spit at you. You have no power, only promises I hail evil I hail Satan Weakling god can not stop me Well, 2000 years ago you wrote a book. I bet that took all your strength away That's right. Writing a f*** ing book took all your strength away. Weakling god. I almost forgot about your son Jesus, that's no wonder because he's so pitiful I guess you created him so that there would be someone weaker than you so that you could make him to suck your cock Your weak worshippers pray you Little it helps them from evil I am evil upon evil Satan's gift to this world If you had any power - surely you would stop me. But you can't - you're afraid of me I am very blasphemous - I burn churches too You can do nothing to me. You tremble in fear of nigelfoo. I kill. I rape. I torture. I sacrifice. You tremble weakling god. Peasant... you worship your god. Priest... do you think it saves you? Satan... has real power Don't be weak... be evil Make a sacrifice. So what's the lesson of this song? Throw away that f*** ing book it's of no use. Weakling god has no power on this earth. If I saw that midget I'd kill him. And I bet he knows it too. That's why he stays the f*** out of my way. If god had power wouldn't he stop my terror? Wouldn't he save his worshippers? That's right he would, but he's a f** with no power He can only tremble in his little corner and suck his f*** ing thumb. If god had power wouldn't he show it when you pray? What use is power if it's never used. So sacrifice for satan Get an instant reward Enjoy power right now Weakling god can not stop us Evil forces inherit earth God's fools will be purged Join my hellish forces Crushing god's weak fortress weakling god... you are a little midget weakling god... with a f*** ing whiny voice weakling god... you are as good as dead weakling god... bow to my blasphemy weakling god... a worthless c*** weakling god... with idiot followers weakling god... I will kill you dead weakling god... bow to my blasphemy
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