This recording is a suggestion of how the song may be done. Vary style, if you wish, and enjoy! CCLI Song No. 4586780 Key: D
Not of my own
Does my salvation come
No, its all because of Jesus
And all that He has done.
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him
Its all because of Jesus;
He is the only One.
Verse 1
I was lost and without hope
No way out could I see
Jesus reached down with pity
Took hold of and rescued me
Now I look forward to living
Each day Gods mercies are new
Jesus walks beside me;
He will be with me my whole life through.
Verse 2
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made the heavens and earth
He takes care of the little birds
Am I not of far more worth?
Though I am weak, my Lord is strong
And He is faithful to keep
Me. Watching oer me day and night,
The Lord does not slumber nor sleep.
Verse 3
Do you feel lost and without hope?
Does your life seem dark and grim?
Call on Jesus name today;
Put your trust in Him.
Full of love and mercy,
He will hear your cry.
Jesus saves completely,
All you need He will supply.
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